Customer Service

Email Us

You is welcome to contact us by completing this form online.
Whether you want to open an account, have a question about your trades or need to know more about a loan, we're here to help. 

Online information transmission is encrypted to ensure security and confidentiality.
However, please DO NOT include enquiries or instructions related to your banking transactions in your e-mails to us.

The information submitted through this web page is encrypted during transmission. However, it is important that you do not provide your account or convey any confidential information or instructions related to your banking transactions in your emails to us. Before you contact us, please read our Internet Security Advice and Privacy Policy.

Please fill in the form in English or Chinese only.
(The maximum number of characters allowed in a message is 3,000 English characters or 1,000 Chinese characters.)
* Mandatory items

First Name*
Last Name*